Archive for February, 2012

No Sandwich on Hell Day

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

So you are there Doing the job Getting ready to suck down yet another Submarine Sandwich for lunch ‘Cause they are healthy for fuckssake When your ever present ever squawking ever lovin’ radio bursts out Another sad tale Firemen being shot at Need help yesterday Send the ARMY Aint no army though, Just us coppers […]


Sunday, February 12th, 2012

The tribe stood and looked at her Virginal and pure Skin soft and pliant and a scent of lilac and summer rain Emanating from hot spots on her skin Eyes reflecting light and moon and stars Pools of quicksilver flashing and beckoning Nose of perfection Taking in the scents around her and classifying them Lips […]


Sunday, February 12th, 2012

Therein he lie Bells and buzzers aflight Awash in overhead glow From fluorescent light Does he know? Does he know? Fluids wash on by Dextrose drips and laughs Some wicked candle dance As measured graphs tote out the sentence Does he feel? Does he feel? I am looking down Like a dream of death where […]

Awake For Awake’s Sake

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

There was a risk Certainly In drinking all that coffee so late So late into the night Even mixed with booze it Courses through veins, arteries, capillaries Sinew Beating a pattern on the inside of my skull Hieroglyphics spelling out Deathchants and rainbows Fingers spasm and shake Eyes fritter and pop Teeth grind and in […]