Keepers Part II
by HFagelman ~ February 15th, 2012. Filed under: Poetry.We all walk this path
Swagger or sway
Cowardice or brave
Some girl some boy
Some man some woman
Everyone a life, a soul, a being
We come into the Earth
Scrabble to survive
Grab a piece of something or
Someone and hold on for dear life
We all dream and wonder
We all scheme and plunder
We all strive and blunder
This life is all we know and together we walk here
Even shoulder to shoulder
Hips hugging in the periphreal
My shoes are different than yours, different than hers differnt than theirs
We all walk together yet separated by our feet
Each of us on our own path co-mingled with all the rest
Each of us
a tiny little bit in charge of
What Happens Next
Yet somewhat burdened at the same time by
The shape of the road and
We wish on stars and
Gasp at atrocity and
Revel in wrongdoing or heroism depending on
Which road we took
Yet we all move forward
Crawling, shuffling, walking, running
Moving on
Taking in the breath we breathe and
Blowing it out
Trying to light or extinguish the flames
Wondering if the next corner brings
Pain or salvation
We cannot will not ever know
We just keep on
Keeping on
Our choices are ours
Yet the path is in anothers hands
So regardless of these hard-won plans
The path diverges
Cavorts and becomes a
Shining road of gold or…
A river of shit
So when a man or
Woman or
Saint or
Makes their choice and drives on
The consequences are all that are real sometimes
Echoed in the laughter of a child sometimes
Echoed in the exaltation of joy sometimes
Echoed in the tears of shame or defeat and sometimes
Echoed in the sound of gunfire
The beating heart walks the path too and
As the pumping slows and slows and
Cordite wisping through the air
Blood frozen forever in the moment
The man on the path he chose
Falls to the ground
The crowd roaring in confusion around him
The crowd applauds around him
The crowd screams its disapproval
The crowd whispers its acceptance
He dies there in the midst of
Consumers all thats left is family and friends and a good life with
One bad choice
Like the choices we all make to
Live or to die
To drown or fly
To give or take
To destroy or make
We keepers sigh and move on and
Pick up the evidence and
Grin a bit at the tradgedy and
Cry a bit at the sadness because in the end
It’s all inevitable
Copyright 2010 Harry R. Fagel All Rights Reserved